How snow came into being
In the old days the people very corrupt, they became evil and godless, when Allah saw what had happened he decided to destroy all the people that were evil. In that intent he created a huge snowball with which he intended to destroy the entire deviant people. At the moment when he raised it, Muhammad came and begged him humbly not to do it, because he could kill good men among the wicked. That's why snow falls both during summer and winter, but people can't see it always, since due to sun rays in the summer it melts and turns into air. Tow angels, as it is believed among the Bosnian folk, haven't managed to scrape half of the snow from the snowball and it will be a couple of thousand years until they finish it. According to Saliha Santara, which was recorded by Ivan Zovko, the more wicked and evil people are the snow will be more abundant during winter.