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 Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptyFri Nov 24, 2017 7:59 am


Among the Illyrians this animal represented one of the most important deities and protectors of family and as such it rightfully positioned itself at the beginning of the circle of destiny as the first sign. Its rule lasts from 15.10. until 15.11. Persons born under the sign of Snake are traditionalists, they’re loyal to their home and family. They don’t like changes sometimes due to laziness and sometimes because they’re not prone to taking responsibility. Only a more dominant but friendly person can spur them into action. Otherwise, they feel unsure of themselves and become stubborn.

Female snake

We must admit that women under this sign are very interesting, ingenious, peculiar, and slightly egocentric prone to refined things. They’re attracted by men which know how to impose themselves whether by their behavior or their looks. There, they reveal their naivety which is cute. They’re able to experience deep emotions, and in order to save their relationship they play their own hidden games. Work is important to them since they like to proving themselves, they can be quite thorough, but hardly accept their own mistakes. However, agreement is possible with them. When it comes to family a woman snake creates a pleasant ambiance since peace inside the home is one of her priorities. She shows love towards her children and partner. Though it seems otherwise she can be quite the fighter and knows how to fight for the person she cares for. Similarly, if she loses trust in you then there is no going back.  

Male snake

Recognizable characteristic of male members of this sign is a certain stubbornness which often transforms into auto-destructiveness, or as people would say, they’re their own worst enemies. This is especially pronounced in male snakes which have a hard time accepting their mistakes, that’s why they’re faced with additional, unnecessary issues and difficulties. He’s a gourmand, he loves to enjoy food, atmosphere and attention. Often he has issues with expressing his emotions, which he likes to suppress or even deny due to an inborn incomprehensible need, though in his heart he yearns for attention and tenderness. It is pretty easy to upset him but also to scare him. But, he doesn’t show it publicly since he likes to appear strong and dangerous. He has an inclination to take care of those weaker than him, since it strengthens his ego and self-confidence. When it comes to work he is precise and detailed but not overtly fast. This is why they don’t like a tense working atmosphere or pressure. Stress affects him heavily. As a partner he is passionate, possessive and to a certain degree fickle. He is one of those partners that need to be reminded often who they have by their side.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptyFri Nov 24, 2017 8:01 am


Swallow is the second sign in the Bosnian horoscope which lasts from 15.11. until 15.12. Persons born in this period usually lead an interesting life and they have a hard time making peace with monotony. Swallow in mythology in BiH is a symbol of luck and wellbeing and that’s why we can say that a person under this sign has a chance to succeed in life, often, with the help of family or marital partner.

Woman swallow

Among women of this sign a characteristic trait is that they’re pretty self-aware, independent, and naturally adaptable to difficult situations out of which they always manage to find something for themselves. Without a doubt, swallow is a “tough” sign which despite its emotionality in front of life’s difficulties takes control and faces issues. Social aspect is very important to them and they’re good housewives which love to host their friends and persons which they care about not sparing effort nor money so that everything is on point. Female swallow is a perfect combination of emotion and happiness therefore as partners they’re very desirable. But, that playfulness often leads them to a wrong partner therefore love disappointments are inevitable. Stubbornness is another characteristic which swallow brings more harm than good. For them it’s an issue to receive a well-meaning advice, since it goes against their belief that they can and know everything by themselves. Because of an inborn tendency for independence swallows is not a lazy sign and treats work seriously, readily taking on responsibilities which it brings. This leads us to a conclusion that they’re careerists. Often a woman swallow cultivates a special relationship with her father, and despite differences in opinion, she is very sensitive to all comments and praises coming from that side.

Male swallow

Perhaps the best and shortest description – complex personality in constant conflict with himself. He is charming, often magnetic for the opposite sex, sociable, communicative. But, though a cheerful person every male swallow has his own dark side which he hides like a black box from others and which is full of internal fears, insecurities, deviations, frustrations and complexes. But his greatest phobia is fear of rejection. That’s why he is prone to literally buying attention from others, in some way, convincing himself that everyone loves and accepts him. He is very emotional but often egoistic, vengeful, always obsessed with the past behind which stands a feeling of guilt which follows him. He is jealous, often possessive, prone to proving himself through sex, since he is not skillful in showing his emotions nor does he know how to express himself properly. A man under this sign doesn’t expect a woman to be the best housewife, nor is that important to him, what he expects the most is for her to be tolerant and not to create pressure. Namely, infrequently a male swallow will panic in front of an issue and choose the easier way out i.e. run from the problem or will surround himself with material possessions since it offers him a feeling of peace and security, but also grandeur.

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Third sign of the circle of destiny which rules during the period from 15.12. until 15.01. is called Cherry. In BiH tradition, cherry is a tree which takes a special place in the cult of the dead since its fruits are eaten by birds. Since a bird in mythological imagery is a symbol of a soul in the past it was a custom to plant cherry tree in graveyards. It was believed that a cherry growing near a graveyard will help a soul of a mejit (deceased) to free himself of sins, each time when a bird would eat its fruit. Among the folk cherry fruits are called "bird’s provision" or "ptičja nafaka".

Female cherry

A female cherry tends to take the initiative in the seduction process, therefore she doesn’t hesitate to give compliments to a man she likes. Her tactic spurs her to more steps, since members of this sign have a hard time coping with rejection and disinterest of the other party. In the end when she conquers the man she likes, whether through the role of a gentle and vulnerable woman or an aggressive flirt, the next step is subjugating her partner in order to have control over him. Despite all of this, female cherry is insecure and possessive deep inside. Mentioned energy and persistence she doesn’t transfer onto work and career since she is not overtly hard working and dedicated to work. She is not lazy but her personal life affects her business enthusiasm. If in that segment  everything functions she is then dedicated to work. In most cases work is a necessary evil, although she respects financial independence. Though she has a tendency to be in leading roles, she more prefers team work. Tendency towards panicking is the result of her weak relationship with stress and pressure.

Male cherry

Members of this sign, male and female, can be recognized easily according to the way they dress which is always sports like and carefree. Also, the less clothes they wear the freer they feel. Male cherry is playful, he likes challenges, to be conquered and to conquer, he possesses a characteristic naivety, and when hurt he cannot stay angry for long. He’s not a vengeful person. He loves sex and everything connected to it therefore experiments in that field are not foreign to him. This is certainly the most erotic sign in the circle of destiny. He can be jealous, possessive but also stubborn. From his partner he desires attention since that fulfils him. She needs to be proactive and broadminded since he is magnetically attracted to these types of women. He is a gourmand but also prefers healthy food and such a way of life. In business he is not content with only one activity and a large part of men under this sign earns “on the side”. They’re good business partners and have no issues fitting into any work environment.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptySat Nov 25, 2017 8:42 am


Fourth sign in the Bosnian horoscope is called frog, an animal which since ancient times represented one of zoomorphic forms of the Universal Mother – the oldest deity in human history, bearer of fertility and life. Among the Illyrians the frog had a similar symbolism and is therefore considered in Bosnian mythology as a protector of cattle, especially the cow, and milk which was used to feed the entire family especially small children. Protective role of the frog is reflected in the folk belief that when a frog arrives in front of the door she is warning the inhabitants that someone's evil is directed at them. The sign of the frog is dominant from 15.01. until 15.02.

Female frog

Members of this sign rarely declare themselves as „misunderstood soul“, since her external appearance doesn't suit what she has inside of her. In a certain way she is a rebel which is characterized by free-spiritedness which is why she is often not distanced from the man she likes. She likes to compete with the competition and she has a habit to measure and rate women around herself, usually in an unrealistic way. Talking behind someone’s back is not unknown to her. On marriage a thoughtful frog looks as a job and dreams of marrying a rich or capable man. She is characterized by a tendency to brag, therefore her partner or marriage are the best and most ideal. But, despite all of this, she is gentle and loyal to her partner, her passion is overtly highlighted, she doesn’t like to do things quickly, lovemaking for her must be long and dedicated. She treats work and career leisurely, and certainly she will never “burn up” in the work place or give her 100%. She is a good communicator and all jobs that require this skill suit her. She likes being in male company which suits her better.

Male frog    

He is communicative, focused on what interests him, curious and adaptable. His bad sides are his insecurity, cautiousness, withdrawal, lies, obsessiveness. When it comes to emotions it is noticeable that a man under this sign tends to have a dominant partner or attracts such persons unknowingly. Generally, when he is in love he doesn’t know how to take a firm stance. He is a caring spouse and tries to please. His threshold of tolerance is pretty high mostly because he is traditional, doesn’t like to be alone and his family is extremely important to him which profiles him as a success. Though in public or in front of others he presents himself as a macho he is often quite the opposite; he likes tenderness, closeness and enjoys being surrounded by harmony. In business he is dedicated. He tries to be responsible towards his family and likes to feel useful. Quite a number of men under this sign have a private business since they don’t like having a boss or they believe that they know business better than others. All in all, they’re hard working and work to them serves for making new acquaintances and increasing their circle of friends. Career success is very important to them, and affects them greatly therefore they’re prone to increased stress.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptySat Nov 25, 2017 8:45 am


Fifth sign in the Bosnian horoscope which rules over the period of 15th February until 15th March. This sign got its name from a brave Illyrian warrior but also because the time which this sign rules over signifies an unstable climatic period which signifies an unstable climatic period which is an introduction to warmer months in the year. According to Bosnian mythology, during this time there is a battle between north and south, cold and warm winds. That’s why the warrior is fighting evil spirits of nature and wins over them enabling with his fight the continuation of the cycle of life.

Female warrior

Female warrior is a flirt with instinctive urge to be liked by others. That’s why she is prone to present her love with her partner in public, whether it is real or not. She is of a restless spirit, leans towards the unexpected love and often fantasizes about love with a stranger. Her mind and imagination are very creative. Her emotions are pronounced and if she is lucky to have  a good partner next to her then she can bear anything. Material things are not that important in her life, except when it comes to her family and children, she wants the best for them. She can overdo things in that field and wittingly make herself a victim. In her career it is important for her to prove herself to others and to be accepted. She has the ability to notice small details and to avoid easily everything that doesn’t suit her in a given moment. She is curious and likes to research.

Male warrior

He is versatile and knows how to adapt. He likes to play the victim and claim others work since he yearns attention. If his partner doesn’t show enough attention to him, infidelity will not be unknown to him. His insecurity is best seen in running from issues or uncomfortable situations when he often uses lies which to him seem as quick fixes. He is attractive to women, his amorous glance and dedication give him a certain charm and impressiveness. He is passionate, enjoys sex and he is no stranger to small perversions. His career is important to him, most ass kissers are found under this sign, they have no issue in appearing as a good worker to their boss so that they can advance their position. Once they get a good position he then expects others to kiss his ass in order to feed his ego. In speech he often swears into something in order to give greater importance to what he is speaking and claiming, although rarely half-truths hide behind such statements.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptySat Nov 25, 2017 8:47 am


Grandmother is the sixth sign in the Bosnian horoscope and at the same time the last of the dark or winter signs. It rules over the period from 15th March to 15th April. Behind the name Grandmother is located the ancient lunar goddess of the moon, female principle, which interacts with the Grandfather – ancient deity of the sun, and creates the basis of ancient pagan beliefs and cults. In the Bosnian folk calendar the period from the 15th until 21st March belongs to the Grandmother and are thought of as the pinnacle of unstable weather when snow, rain, wind and sunny weather exchange or sometimes all happen in the same day. This is the period of pregnancy of the Universal Mother which will bring a son to this world in the beginning of the light part of the year, this son is at the same time her lover, which is why nature is upset and all of her forces are moving.

Female Grandmother    

Females of this sign is a wildcat but she hides this characteristic skillfully, she is resourceful and cunning, at times a hypocrite. She adjusts to her partner, although this creates discontent in her. She doesn’t like it when someone else touches her things, especially clothes, since she cares about personal belongings. She often has a high opinion of herself and this doesn’t help her in life. She can provoke the other side by this and then in her confused way act as the assaulted and offended party. When she falls in love she becomes insecure and jealous, which makes her nervous. Loyalty to family often represents a hurdle in her personal life and she needs to learn how to keep a long enough distance so that her closest are a source of pleasure for her and not a burden. Female Grandmother usually from her earliest days is oriented towards work and creation, which can often make her a somewhat stingy person. She shows ingenuity and creativity in a business sense.

Male Grandmother  

Characteristics of a male person under this sign are sociability, standing out in the crowd and hastiness. Though of a calmer nature he can be brash and prone to nervousness in all stressful situation because he experiences things personally. During communication he likes to express himself picturesquely and he can be sarcastic. In the relationship with his partner he is often passive which gives off a false sense of indifference. Male Grandmother is also passionate and emotional but he often suppresses this inside of himself, which is the main reason for his outbursts of jealousy or withdrawal. All in all others often see him as a complicated person. Male Grandmother is not lazy, work and career are important to him so that he can creatively express himself but also get a certain security. He likes to create and is a person which likes an established, calm life. According to this we can conclude that he is a family guy. At work he often doesn’t get along with his colleagues, but he knows how to hide it.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptyWed Nov 29, 2017 5:27 pm


Grandfather is the seventh sign in the Bosnian horoscope which rules over the period from 15th April until 15th May. He represents the male principle. He got his name according to the seven day period, which according to the folk calendar lasts from 21st until 28th March and symbolizes the period of first labors in the garden. Grandfather in the middle ages in BiH was a title of priests of Bosnian Christians, his wife was called Grandmother, and as a marital couple they represented spiritual leaders. But, both of these names are actually much older since they personify two ancient (Illyrian) deities – moon and sun.

Female Grandfather

Since Grandfather is primarily a male sign this is reflected in some characteristics of the woman born during this period, which doesn’t have to be butch, to the contrary, this gives her an internal strength, temperament, protective drive and enthusiasm. But also a need to be distinguished. Female Grandfather is often proud and stubborn, prone to auto destruction because of her principles and attitude. But, regardless, she sacrifices herself, she is loyal and devoted partner to which jealousy and possessiveness are not unknown. Her emotions are pronounced and despite her serious exterior or stance, behind that mask is often a gentle and vulnerable being. When she is in love she becomes childish and it is not easy to handle her, but, all of this together is cure and stimulating for the partner. She loves to be dominant in a relationship, mostly due to her insecurity, although she can compromise. At work she is engaged, dedicated. Opinions of her colleagues are important to her since she orients herself according to this and strengthens her self-confidence. She is agreeable. Often she isn’t good with money, being economical isn’t her best side, since to a female Grandfather, material things are for hedonism or for building an image of a successful person.

Male Grandfather  

Person born under this sign is responsible, prone to taking care of his family and to put his needs and desires to the side for the benefit of others. Sooner or later this causes frustration and revolt and he is often prone to frequent changes of mood and decisions. He is serene in nature, emotional, unsure of himself, modest. He possess charisma but often it is left underutilized. Often there is a battle inside of him between the desire for the traditional and modern, which can slow him down in life. He is attracted to feminine and modest partners, though he often comes across completely opposite profiles out of which later are born complicated and inadequate relationships. Though not a champion of fidelity, a male Grandfather can cheat on his partner only sexually, never emotionally, since love for him is much more than the bedroom and kitchen. If he is doing what he loves, then the male Grandfather without a doubt achieves great results. Through work he becomes optimistic since he loves creating and it’s not a problem for him to stay longer than required in the work place. If he doesn’t love what he is doing then he quickly reaches saturation and unhappiness which creates an unstoppable desire for change. However, he is scared of poverty and he takes careful steps towards something new. He loves every work which allows him to be creative since this is the sign of a creator.

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Pigeon is the eight sign in the circle of destiny whose period of rule spans from 15th May until 15th June. In Bosnian mythology a pigeon is a bird dedicated to the solar deity and is an ideal symbol of a period in which sun receives its energy and spreads light and warmth, after the end of the dark part of the year. Pigeon is therefore a messenger-bird of the mentioned period of regeneration and triumph of nature.

Female pigeon    

The largest percentage of women under this sign have issues with their insecurity and unhappiness, over which they never completely triumph during their life, and in their younger years they suppress their personality while in some later periods it grows into a strong desire for standing out, emphasizing her looks and values. Female pigeon is very persistent when it comes to her partner and is ready for various sacrifices  in order to ensure her emotional relationship. When she is in love that state holds her much longer than other signs and we can conclude that she is passionate and possessive. Stubbornness forces her to become a victim of her emotions which undoubtedly leads to great frustrations and disappointments. She tends to idealize her partner which leads her to a subordinate role. She is a careerist, she loves money and the freedom it brings. But, she is not stingy and she will buy gifts for others with pleasure or will loan them money. She respects authority and superiors. She’s disciplined at work and when it comes to completing tasks.

Male pigeon

He can be complicated, confusing for the surrounding and fickle. He is communicative and prone to philosophizing. He is a demanding partner, a partner which desires time and attention. But, at the same time, he is fun, witty, prone to experimenting, often a gentleman. All in all, it is rarely dull with him. He is prone to domination and jealousy, although he desires a good looking and attractive partner, since it is very important for him to be noticed. When he makes a mistake he finds ways to apologize but in such a manner that his crown stays on his head. He is sociable, he doesn’t like being alone, but that often means being in any type of relationship, no matter whether he has any emotions towards his partner. His internal fear and anxiety he hides skillfully with provocative statements and acting, but, male pigeon is always different from how he presents himself. We could say that he is a great careerist, he sees work as a necessary evil. However, good earning potential always stimulates him and he is no stranger to breaking some of his principles to get money. With this sign the rule much theory little practice is confirmed.

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Linden is the ninth symbol in the circle which rules from the period of 15th June until 15th July. In BiH tradition linden is a holly tree next to which Bogomils (Arian Christianity) performed their rituals. After the middle ages, linden didn’t lose its religious symbolism and was planted near mosques, which continued the religious practice for which certain anthropologists claim actually steams from Illyrian cults of trees to which they gave divine characteristics.

Female linden      

Member of this sign is refined, sociable and often eloquent. She is attracted to strong men, which are direct and spontaneous. Her pronounced emotional characteristic makes her vulnerable, sensitive, which she tries to hide. She is egoistic and doesn’t forgive her partner neglect, therefore she won’t hesitate to seek attention from another man. But, whatever happens is never her fault but the other side’s. She exhibits passive aggression. There she shows an immature nature which resists taking responsibilities for personal mistakes. In a relationship or marriage she tries to keep everything under her control, but often discretely and decently. She is jealous, which can often grow into possessiveness. She yearns for support, both in the family and from her partner, since with all her wit and creativity she lacks a push in the right direction. She has a tendency to live beyond her means and often has financial issues. She isn’t prone to save for a rainy day. Career means a lot to her although she is picky when it comes to her work place. Dynamic jobs attract her, she doesn’t like monotony.

Male linden

Member of this sign is a person which doesn’t like being alone, and often decides to enter marriage early. She is tied to his family and togetherness and support mean a lot to him. Since he isn’t overtly independent and possesses insecurity he is attracted to partners which are dominant or which take initiative. She is prone to rage outbursts because of the negative effect of stress and pressure. He is gentle, romantic and a bit traditional. Large numbers of men under this sign have issues with egoism and don’t like admitting their mistakes. He often represents himself more different than he is since he likes to mask his insecurity in such a manner. Since his nature is more laid back he isn’t overly ambitious. Business environment without much stress and hassle suits him best. There are a lot of lazy people under this sign. They have a tendency towards vices.

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KomentarNaslov komentara: Re: Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope   Profile of characters from the Bosnian horoscope EmptyFri Dec 01, 2017 8:18 am


Salamander is the tenth sign in the circle of destiny which rules over the period of 15th July until 15th August. In Bosnian mythology it is considered that every man has his own salamander, animal doppelganger or follower, which comes to him after his death to guard him or to devour him, depending on whether the man was good or bad. It is also believed that Salamanders are miniature versions of dragons on earth, the same one which according to legends satiates his hunger for warmth and light by devouring two out of three sun’, which were in the sky in ancient times. According to this legend salamander is a symbol of sun which positions him in the period of the year with the most intensive activity of solar warmth.

Female salamander  

Members of this sign are passionate and egoistic, sometimes selfish, prone to some immature states when they recede or simply pout. They need a flexible partner which can be in harmony with their demanding character. She is a loyal companion. Female salamander is of a restless spirit, she loves to travel, be in social gatherings and events since she “feeds” off of this and fills up with energy. She likes challenges, and even though she isn’t negative often in communication with others she can be indelicate with her statements. She loves and appreciates presents, she is prone to sentimentality. Pronounced taste in jewelry, hair dying and seeking her recognizable image. All of this is her trademark. She enjoys sex and is prone to experimenting. She is a careerist, is responsible when it comes to work and has leadership qualities. Since she leans towards having everything under control her nightmare scenario is not having enough money. Therefore she isn’t prone to extravagance, though she has a tendency of helping others.

Male salamander  

He is an emotional person hiding underneath a thick layer of machoism. Whether we’re talking about expressive physical or character lines, each male member of this sign tries to accentuate his masculinity. Behind all of this is often hides fear from rejection and a great desire to hide insecurity. He is a gourmand which is perhaps not prone to creation and long term planning but he is someone which at every moment knows and wants to enjoy. He is prone to excesses, boasting and even lying, in order to present himself as a more ideal person. He is passionate, good lover. Charismatic. Despite that inborn insecurity makes him possessive. His ego often restrains him, he doesn’t like authority but respects friendship. He is attracted by passionate and communicative women. However, his love, if she desires to keep him, must be tolerant towards arbitrary behavior which he sometimes exhibits due to his hurt pride. It is known that a male under this sign doesn’t love working, and often chooses easier and simpler jobs. But, he functions well in smaller business settings, and often in individual work. Money isn’t important to him, he knows how to earn it and spend it.

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Penultimate sign in the Bosnian horoscope which dominates the period from 15th August until 15th September. Sedef or sedefil (rue) in BiH tradition is tied to the cult of the dead, which is why this plant was once planted in graveyards. Besides, rue because of its prophylactic and magical characteristics is the most widespread plant in the cult of magic and incantations and practice of stravarke. It is believed that rue was dedicated to Hazrat Fatima.

Female rue

Females under this sign seem confusing to their environment because of their insecurity. There is a silent conflict between traditional upbringing and desire to be a self-confident woman which conquers and lives her own way. She is sensory and sensual, enjoys sex and certain perversions are not unknown to her. She likes to please her man in order to keep him and is therefore ready to make herself a victim in order to keep a certain relationship. We can see a character line of masochism, as well as the fact that she likes dominant males more. She is vain, stubborn and at moments of anger extremely harsh in words. But, she is a loyal friend which gifts the friends she loves and appreciates. Female rue is a careerist, she is persistent and doesn’t give up from the things she set her mind to. Her pronounced feeling for detail and meticulousness helps her tremendously to develop discipline and advance in her work place. She isn’t good with money, she lacks a feeling for profitability. She likes to buy good and high quality things, which causes her to have monetary difficulties.

Male rue  

Member of this sign is traditional and family oriented, and protective. But, what distorts this ideal picture is a provocative characteristic, exaggeration in statements and overtly pronounced ego. Passive-aggressive behavior is common to most people born under the sign of rue. He is a huge gourmand and his ideal partner is a woman which knows her way around the kitchen. Besides he is attracted by well dressed women, communicative, which cannot throw shade on his grandeur. When he courts he is direct and playful, a woman will feel content next to him since he clearly makes it known that he wishes to take care of her. He is possessive and his love is expressed through possession. He doesn’t like monotony and he will cause a fight in order to have attention directed at himself. When it comes to work he is the one that philosophizes, comments others. He isn’t resistant to stress and pressure can cause nervousness. He is always “searching himself” when it comes to career which leads him to change his work place often. He is no stranger to making money in an unconventional way.

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Last i.e. twelfth sign in the Bosnian horoscope which rules from 15th September until 15th October is called Dragon. Among our forefathers Illyrians, dragon was considered to be a deity and folk traditions describe him as a large snake with small arms and legs, covered in scales. In the rest of the story it is claimed that a dragon can have sexual relations with women out of which a cub can be born, known in Bosnian mythology as Snijet. Snake and dragon represent two totems, symbols of opposition which in unison represent the entire universe – good and evil, life and death, creation and destruction which is why these two signs took the first and second place in the circle of destiny.

Female dragon

Like a real dragon, a woman under this sign can get “ignited” and “burn up” in love which is manifested in their preoccupation with the man they like. Then they are not moderate and they will do everything to win over their partner and get his love. They’re prone to dramatization, acting like victims, and everything else which could divert attention to them. Ebb and tide of emotions exchange inside of them and they have phases of receding and attacking. Frustration makes them thoughtless with their statements and they become drastic and unpleasant. Egotism is pronounced as well as the need to prove themselves as well as to their partner through sex. Work and generally career women of this sign see as sort of release, since money allows them to be what they want, to the extent that they desire. Their issue is that they have a hard time separating their private lives from their work lives.

Male dragon

He is certainly a very specific person, prone to receding and stubbornness. He is emotional, sensitive, loves tenderness, lack of love he usually substitutes with food and sweats – since he is a gourmand. Attractive women for him are the ones with an attitude, dominant, which the male dragon wishes to subdue and subjugate in his fantasies. It is not rare that love holds him for a long time, even when the relationship ends. He possesses a certain dose of immaturity, jealousy, and he doesn’t know how to express himself correctly. His sense of humor isn’t always acceptable to others. When he loses an argument he instinctively tries to play the victim. Though not a personification of speed and agility he is a good worker, precise and focused on what he is doing. He doesn’t like risks and always plays it safe. Despite this, sometimes he has unconventional ideas and thoughts. Money and career are important to him and as he doesn’t like authority he has a greater chance for success if he chooses a career where he can have individuality and greater freedom.

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