๑۩۞۩๑ A N Z O T I K A ๑۩۞۩๑
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Mjesto : The pen is mightier than the sword!

KomentarNaslov komentara: 52 HUMAN DESTINY CARDS   52 HUMAN DESTINY CARDS EmptySun Sep 01, 2024 7:50 pm

All those who are motivated by the desire to gain knowledge about fortune telling with playing cards have come across various blogs and websites on the internet that offer shorter or more extensive instructions. Although, in general, they can serve as starting knowledge, which will be partially assimilated or completely discarded over time, they can also cause a lot of confusion for the one who wants to master this mantic skill.

The primary problem is that very little information about the meaning of the cards, as well as the combination, actually matches. An ideal example is the ace of spades because in some interpretations it is called the card of death, it brings problems, illness, misfortune, loss of money, etc., while in some other interpretations, especially those coming from the Spanish-speaking areas, the same card predicts strength, security, love, and a positive change?!

Due to the above example, the best solution for someone who wants to become a fortune teller is to have a mentor or teacher who can impart basic knowledge and provide the necessary guidance. This role is usually played by some of our ancestors, such as grandparents, mothers, or other close relatives. For every beginner, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge foundation to minimize the level of insecurity and stimulate determination and faith in what one does and says to other people. I encountered the same problems when my curiosity and desire to use playing cards was awakened in order to, first of all, enrich my fund of knowledge with another skill.

Over the years I have learned that often one type of divination fails to provide all the answers or at some important moment it can completely fail. Therefore, I advise all those who want to get more serious about fortune-telling to master several mantic disciplines such as using Tarot cards, dominoes, cups of coffee, beans, astrology, numerology, etc. After all, it is quite logical that you will have better quality and more meaningful answers if you have more knowledge and options.


While for most fortune tellers the Ace of Hearts is a symbol of the house, to me the given card indicates a new love or a change in an existing relationship or marriage. Furthermore, the Two of Hearts card represents two people in love, while the Four of Hearts symbolizes a house. By the way, Two of Hearts has shown itself to me most in summer adventures, or love relationships that started during the summer, and often signify an affair or a short-term relationship.

The spade and the heart are the two dominating symbols, so, amateurishly speaking, the club and the diamond could be considered symbols of significantly less power and influence. While, for example, the proximity of hearts or spades classically determines whether a piece of news, decision, person, or change is positive or negative, clubs and diamonds are omitted from the same prediction since they supposedly do not have a dominant influence. But is it really so? To be able to answer that, it is necessary to analyze their influence on other cards, i.e. symbols.

This is a good example: when there is a diamond card next to the heart on both sides, then this trio stimulates passion, and physical attraction since the diamond is a completely material symbol free from the influence of emotions. Therefore, we can tell the client without hesitation that the relationship he is in or will be in will be exclusively physical or superficial. Now it is up to him to decide whether he wants a relationship based on physical passion or an emotional relationship full of tenderness and romance. The club represents luck. When the three cards of clubs are next to each other, they symbolize a period of happiness. If the card of spades is followed by the card of clubs or surrounds it on the left and right, then it completely cancels its negative influence. Or, better said: it gives us a chance to bypass obstacles, overcome them, and make a situation easier for ourselves.

Another important detail is hidden in the numbers themselves, to which great attention is paid in Bosnian cartomancy. Numbers like 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are considered low and 7, 8, 9, and 10 are considered high. Low numbers are usually a sign of failure, negative character traits, or loss, while high numbers lead to success, happiness, realization of plans, or describe a person of good character. Also, the analysis of numbers is particularly important in determining the illness and health status of the person whose cards are being “read”.The numbers on the cards by themselves give us the energy reflection of the person whose destiny is being analyzed, since many times the cards do not show favorable combinations for individuals who are at a low level of energy (fatigue, stress, nervousness). That is why it is wise to stop the session and postpone the fortune-telling for another day.

You must know that man is a very fascinating being, as evidenced by some examples of telepathy from divination practice. Namely, it often happens that the prophet in the cards actually “reads” the thoughts and wishes of the person who requested the consultation. This most often happens with people who are in love and whose desire for a loved one is so strong that it passes in the form of thought energy to the fortune teller who reads the cards, who then just repeats out loud what the client secretly wants. There is nothing divination in this and none of it will be fulfilled because what was said is not a prophecy but a projection of other people's thoughts and desires.

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